Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The kids today in Alexander stream, riding their bikes

Michal and I took the kids today to Alexander stream. We park the car a few hundred meters after the entrance to Kibuttz Maabarot and from there Michal and I were walking and Nir, Sivan and Aviv were riding their bicycles.

First picture of 3 generation Yona family

For the first time, I have a picture (I took this one using a timer and my camera mounted on a tripod) of my wife and kids, with my sister, her husband, her kids and my parents -- all in the same picture. Peeeeewww! That was a difficult task to pull. Now that this challenge was accomplished I will set a higher goal and try taking a better photo than this one with all participants. Getting this one shot was no easy task, take my word for it!