Saturday, July 7, 2007

W3C Bug / Issue Tracking Service

Check out the W3C Bug / Issue Tracking Service

XML Schema composition problems

I dived into the mysteries of XML Schema composition and found several things that are not so clear to me with the semantics of chains of xsd:include and xsd:inport, with referencing names across schema documents and things related to both.

See the thread that I started at xmlschema-dev mailing list:

I also saw a bug report related to some of my concerns reported as [Bug 4838] Chameleon behavior

I did not get a clear understanding of the issues that I raised.

I do understand that:

  • circular dependencies is OK
I still don't know the correct expected behavior in the case where there's a chain of xsd:include and xsd:import: does xsd:inclue should allow names from namespaces other than the one in the including document? If so, in which cases?

I also still do not understand the semantics of referencing names beyond the bounds of the same schema document as far as schema composition is involved. Should xsd:any and ref consider only names defined in the same schema document and in schema documents that are imported and included in it? Or perhaps should xsd:any and ref consider only names in the same schema document and in schema documents that import or include the schema document that they appear in? Or perhaps both? What exactly are the rules? I cannot make them out from the standard.

Not that it helps me, but it is still interesting to see the list of reported bugs to XML Schema when you look for "schema composition" in the bug tracking system:

לרכב או לרכוב?

רבים מתעייפים ממנהגי להעיר בכל פעם שאני שומע "לרכב על אופניים" או "לרכב על אופנוע" או "לרכב על סוסים" וכיוצא באלה...

אני תמיד רוטן ומתקן "לרכוב! לרכוב ולא לרכב! לרכוב!".

אחותי הבוקר טענה שאני טועה ואפילו האקדמיה ללשון טוענת שיש לומר לרכב. בדקתי ולא מצאתי. הכצעקתה?

רק לפני כמה שנים במהלך עבודת המאסטר שלי בה ייצגתי מורפולוגיה עברית בעזרת יחסים-רגולריים ומכונות מצבים השתדלתי להשכיל ולדייק בכל הנוגע לדקדוק בכלל ולמנגנון תצורת המילים בעברית בפרט. חזרתי לבדוק מה אומרים על זה במרכז הידע לעבוד העברית (שהיתה לי הזכות להקים את המעבדה שלו ולעבוד על כמה ממוצריו) והנה הממצאים שלי לפי ע"פ המנתח הצורני ויוצר המילים שהם העמידו ברשת האינטרנט (המרשתת!):

המילה שהוקלדה: לרכוב
נמצאו 1 ניתוחים אפשריים

( 1 ) רָכַבפועל פעל(שם פועל)(פריט בלקסיקון:7034)


Yuval's birthday -- Yuval Nadel is 3 years old

We celebrated with Yuval his 3rd birthday party.

design patterns, design and patterns

I enjoyed reading the Rethinking Design Patterns post from the coding horros blog. It reminded me a short lightning talk by Mark Jason Dominus, which he gave at YAPC Israel 2003 (which I helped organize at Haifa university). It also reminded me to find the time to read A Pattern Language by Christopher Alexander (after I find the actual book... -- I'll probably order it from a bookstore) and see what the fuss is all about. I do remember reading Design Patterns by the Gang of Four (GOF), and remember that I did not understand what the book is about and why Design Patterns is a big deal that so many people find so cool and useful. Perhaps I need to re-read the book and possibly get a fresh new insight and opinion about it. Anyway... I just added Alexander's book to my shopping cart, and next time that I'll bulk order books I will probably order it too.